Metal Production

Process and wastewater treatment

SOL offers products, technologies and services for the treatment of process water and the purifying of wastewater that offer high performance and are tested with the wide experience it has built up in the sector. For example, the treatment of wastewater requires great care and specialist management of plants and processes because of the nature of the components dissolved into it that are sometimes concentrated and not easy to break down.

SOL offers solutions that fully cover customer requirements, from the supply of plant to increase the purifying capacity of the biological section, to the control of pH, the use of ozone as an antifouling agent and also solutions for eliminating excess ammonia or reducing sulphur compounds and colour, odour or surfactants.

SOL is constantly engaged in the research and development of technological applications for waste treatment: the main solutions offered by SOL for water treatment are:

  • Increasing the purifying capacity of the biological section with patented plant
  • Sulphide oxidation
  • Ammonia reduction, the NAD process
  • Removal of scum, odours and aerosols
  • Reduction of organic micro-pollutants
  • Removal of surfactants and colour
  • Stabilisation of excess sludge
  • Groundwater treatment
  • Anti-fouling and disinfection of process water treatments

The solution supplied by SOL are fully adaptable to specific customer needs. SOL follows the project right from the first design phases through manufacture, start-up, ordinary and extraordinary maintenance, using expert and highly qualified personnel.

SOL for Industry
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